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缅甸Parami能源集团CEO确认出席CSSOPE 2016
2016年02月24日 14:18   打印字号
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        缅甸油气行业领先的工程服务公司Parami能源集团首席执行官Ken Tun确认出席CSSOPE 2016Ken Tun 先生于2004年成立Parami能源,主要为缅甸政府和油气业主服务,业务涉及油气、电力、施工建造、银行保险等领域。Ken Tun 先生本人也是油田服务、油气开发、金融、钢铁、水泥行业等领域的资深专家



    随着一些重大的政治革新,缅甸已经成功转变为一个开放政策的国家,在2012年许多长期持续的经济制裁制度已进入尾声。在东南亚,缅甸是一个重要的天然气生产国,虽然在油气开采领域的上游不是很发达,但缅甸政府一直在通过鼓励国际投资、发行产品、行业合作等一系列活动来缓解这一问题。缅甸已跻身于世界排名前五位的石油勘探和生产的热点地区,投资商感兴趣的程度和投资将大幅攀升。 截止到20143月份,缅甸已授权开发的主要石油天然气田已经有36个,到2015年还会预计增加15个。这个数据不可否认的说明了缅甸市场的国际化趋势逐步加快,特别是在缅甸成为世界第十大天然气储量国后,缅甸政府也积极的授权更多的国际石油公司以鼓励他们在缅甸进行开发与生产。


关于CSSOPE 2016

    经过六年的发展,每年备受业界关注的中国石油化工装备采购盛会——第六届中国石油化工装备采购国际峰会暨展览会(CSSOPE 2016)将于2015525-26日在在北京重装举行。作为中国唯一的油气行业采购商与供应商国际化交流平台,区别于大型展会和行业务虚会议,大会将有针对性地邀请项目工程最活跃国家和区域的国际采购、国内三大油及延长油田和油服或EPC公司参会,助推中国主流供应商在会上找到采购和订单,逆势突围。同时,行业采购将聚焦时下最为关注的话题,为行业难题献计献策成为大会主旨,“如何逆势突围:应对油价危机 找到采购订单”成为了本届参展参会企业和业内专家的焦点话题。






CEO of Parami Myanmar’s Leading Engineering Service Provider to Join CSSOPE 2016 as a Speaker

Ken Tun ,CEO of Parami Energy Group of Companies has confirmed to be one of the eminent speakers to The 6th Conference and Exhibition - China Sourcing Summit on Petroleum & Chemical Equipment (CSSOPE 2016) will take place on May 25-26, 2016 in Beijing, China.

Ken Tun founded Parami in 2004 and oversaw its growth into a variety of sectors. His areas of expertise include finance, steel and cement industries, oil field support services, and oil and gas exploration, production, and development. Parami was founded with the aim of providing high quality services to the corporate and government clients in Myanmar.

Parami differentiates itself from the competitions through our corporate values, innovative business model, and straight forward business approach.

Parami have organically grown from engineering service provider to the Parami Energy Group of Companies (“Parami Energy”) with core businesses in Oil and Gas, Power, Construction, Banking and Insurance sectors.

About Myanmar:

Myanmar’s oil and gas boom continues to be the hottest ticket in the global oil and gas industry. With the lifting of international sanctions, Myanmar's Government has acted fast in licensing vast regions of its onshore and offshore shelf to foreign investors. This increased licensing activity is expected to boost exploration over the next few years, especially in Myanmar's deep water shelf, which remains mostly unexplored.


Along with new investment that is expected, Myanmar will see an adoption of the latest technologies and innovation to harness maximum potential out of its oil and gas resources. 


CSSOPE, the international trade event with the subject of petroleum & chemical equipment procurement, is launched at the backdrop of shaping up new sourcing strategies amid the crude collapse.

Organized by The Oriental Pro-Energy Consulting Organization (Topco) and powered by even stronger faculties, this year's exhibition will focus on the key current issues that concern domestic enterprises trying to develop overseas, such as how to seize opportunities, avoid risk, and develop the market. Speakers and sourcing specialists threw lights on their new findings in elevate returns and margins through supply chain management at a time when bearish crude has squeeze spending. It drew great attention from the industry and promotes the China’s communication to the world.

CSSOPE 2016 will also provide a top-level overview and detailed insight into China's oil and gas equipment supply capacity. It is an essential event and more than 400 international sourcing managers, sellers, buyers, EPC contractors and vendors will attend. There are nine features which can't be missed.



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